Your practice should be fun, easy and profitable.

We all want to help people, but confusion, fear and burnout holds us back.
We have helped 100s of chiros have a blast in practice,
work fewer hours and double their income!
If they could, YOU can too!

You want to grow but nothing seems to ever shift...

We are stuck when we are afraid:

of getting in trouble

of alienating people

that change will make things worse.

We get frustrated and confused by wasting time and energy:

on the next practice saving outside/in gimmick

on stuff that will never work in the real world

by charlatan coaches who never actually succeeded in practice.

We get exhausted and burn out when we:

we get sucked into how “they” feel that day

we take more time adjusting them than we do our own families (justifying fee by time spent)

no matter what we do our practice never jumps those magical 50 visits/week.

Fear of change and/or Confusion leads to being Bored, Burnt Out or Broke

The price for staying stuck is brutal.

It costs years and 100s of thousands or even millions in lost income.

We were stuck for 5 years and felt that pain and frustration.

But when we were shown a clear, easy and fun path out, we gratefully followed instruction and built the largest referral practice in Europe.

Since 1998 we have helped 100s of chiropractors from over 15 countries quickly transform their practices.

If they can you it, you can too.

It is easier and faster than you think.

1. Join the Kick-Ass Mastermind.
This coaching that actually works for growth. We built the busiest internal referral practice in Europe and we teach you what to do to have a successful, vitalistic practice. School and passing exams did not prepare you for the real world and sick people. You deserve a practice that is fun, easy and wildly profitable. For just 100€/month you get an initial 1-1 intro call. 3 zoom calls/month. A rich supportive community that is there for you. AND 4 events a year. It’ produces real growth and is the best deal in chiropractic.
Join the Kick-Ass Mastermind.

2. Register now for ChiroEurope May 1-4, 2025.
This is the best Chiropractic seminar in the world and May 2025 will be our biggest ever. Register now and get big savings and access to the seminar hotel. IT WILL SELL OUT. (Or you can wait, pay more and not get a hotel room.) Europe’s strongest practices come every time. Copy success!
Register for May 2025 ChiroEurope

3. When you are ready, upgrade Kick-Ass from the Mastermind to Kick-Ass Accountability.
2024 Accountability Masterminders have grown an average of 78K in collections from January 1 – September 30, 2024. (Compared to their same income in 2023.) That puts the group on track for an average increase in collections of +104,000€ each for the whole year. Lynn and I are excited and proud for them! Contact Marc via email to see if you and he are a fit and can work together to get these results for you.
Subject: Accountability info