Barcelona 1-Day Intensive: 29 March 2025

You want to help people get well, and make a great living.

But no matter how hard you work, the hours you spend, practice doesn’t get easier or more profitable.
Don’t waste the next 10 years being stuck.

We help chiropractors have fun and easy practices that help lots of sick people get well.
(Oh and they also make more money than they ever thought possible.)

If you learn what to do and have a guide and support, change is easy!

1. Register for the 1-Day.

2. Join us 29 March.

3. Go home ready to improve your practice.


Don’t practice in confusion, fear or boredom.
It drains your energy and costs you thousands if not millions in lost income.
This 1-Day workshop will shift your energy.
You will learn to work smarter and have life be easier.
It is the first step to massive success.
(If they could do it, so can you!)

Barcelona College of Chiropractic

29 March 2025. 10am-6pm.
(We break bread after.)

How do I register?
Login to (or create) your ChiroEurope account:

How can I attend this for free?
Join the Kick-Ass Mastermind AND register before March 11:

How are we supporting students?
What we teach is the most important thing you have to learn.
Obviously you have to pass your exams. But you will NOT learn how to be successful in practice and life in school.
They just don’t teach you this. (It is not their job. Their job is to teach you to be safe and legal.)
Some chiros, unfortunately, never learn it. They will suffer in practice and burn out.
If you learn how to succeed while you are in school, you will radically improve your first five years in practice.

Students: To get this workshop for free.
Click the QR code to donate 20€ to Lynn and Farah’s charity Aspire Mama Africa.
This is a gift of 1M€ of learning. (And yes, we have case studies to prove this wild claim!)
And then after the workshop one of the Kick-Ass docs will take you to, and pay for your dinner.

Prices go up March 11.

Details Price Qty
Student 35€ donation to Aspire Mama Africa. €0.00 EUR   Goes On Sale
March 12, 2025
ChiroTeam €80.00 EUR   Goes On Sale
March 12, 2025
DC €200.00 EUR   Goes On Sale
March 12, 2025
Kick-Ass Free if registered by March 11 and you take a student to dinner €0.00 EUR  
Student Early reg. Save with 20€ donation to Aspire Mama Africa (Send confirmation) €0.00 EUR  
Kick-Ass Late or no student dinner €100.00 EUR  
ChiroTeam Early reg. (CAs & other non-chiros) €50.00 EUR  
DC Early reg. €150.00 EUR